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Lancia Stratos: it's alive!

Scris de mihai_epure pe 16-09-2011

Lancia Stratos2Cu totii stim ce inseamna Lancia Stratos pentru istoria industriei automobilistice. Aceasta legenda italiana ne-a vizitat visele in multe randuri cand eram mici si voiam sa ajungem piloti de raliu doar pentru a castiga si noi o etapa sau doua la volanul ei. Dar distractia s-a terminat in momentul in care Lancia a abandonat Stratos in depozit si a devenit un producator de duzina.

Sterge-ti lacrimile de pe obraz pentru ca avem vesti bune. Stratos s-a intors! De fapt, s-a intors daca ai 600.000 euro ascunsi pe sub saltea si nu ai ce face cu ei.

GALERIE FOTO Lancia Stratos 2011

Michael Stoschek, om de afaceri german, a ajuns la concluzia ca lumea are nevoie de Stratos asa ca s-a pus pe treaba si i-a angajat pe cei de la Pininfarina sa il readuca pe batranul italian in lumina reflectoarelor. Baietii s-au conformat si asa a luat nastere Stratos 2011.

Lancia Stratos1Construit pe platforma lui Ferrari F430 Scuderia, noul Stratos nu-l face de rusine pe bunicul decedat. Motorul de 4.3 L de sub capota are onoarea de a pune la dispozitia soferului 540 de caluti italieni dornici de distractie. Cuplul de 519 Nm este cireasa de pe tortul pe care Stoschek a vrut neaparat sa il aiba.

Performantele onoreaza numele Stratos: acul vitezometrului se opreste la 274 km/h si are nevoie de doar 3.3 secunde pentru a ajunge de la 0 la 100 km/h.

In prezent, singurul exemplar construit ii apartine lui Stoschek, dar se pare ca daca suficient de multi oameni se vor arata interesati, vom vedea mai multe Stratos pe sosele. Noi le uram succes celor care au avut geniala idee de a-l readuce la viata si te invitam sa arunci o privire in galeria foto pentru a admira aceasta capodopera.

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9 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

It's always a pleasu
Scris de Raj pe 26-10-2015 23:18

It's always a pleasure to hear from someone with exestripe. [url=]frtpvoqr[/url] [link=]pgktpndyjvr[/link]
How about keeping th
Scris de Zuum pe 25-10-2015 11:32

How about keeping the FT-86 and naimng it Sprinter (or something to that effect) and actually building a car that is like the Supra used to be and calling that a Supra? You could use the LFA platform, insert 2UR-GSE engine and sell it for GTR price range and you'd have your Toyota flagship or am I dreaming?
- Fact is the icecre
Scris de Hanen pe 25-10-2015 03:10

- Fact is the icecream dvrier hit him. I'm not promoting more idiots should play on roads, what ever roads, wherever they may be in the world. I'm noting that there were 2 dumb people in the video. One dumb guy mucking around where he should of been and the other dumbass driving with undue care and attention. [url=]wwtfsvr[/url] [link=]dxewmwmck[/link]
Scris de Santosh pe 23-10-2015 13:59

i rlaely dont see the point of this supra. 200-250hp. rlaely .. come on Toyota. i no you can do better . (LFA) At least add a turbo. i mean i could go out buy a 4-door FAMILY car that makes 365 hp factory and 1/4 times as low as low 13 s! and what would this supra go up against? The Rx-8. the Rx-8 was supposedly going to reinvent the sports car. Toyota is just going to make the same mistake. RIP .. SUPRA
Im too young to reme
Scris de Rahul pe 22-10-2015 13:26

Im too young to remember the supra let alone the saottrs but i would love to see both return im a huge gran turismo fan and i learn alot of cars from there and the supra and saottrs both being it in i remember i always enjoyed driving the saottrs rally car in GT4 so i do hope the saottrs comes back thatd be cool but they look very fake. Derek D is awesome he is hillarious you rock derek d!!
I always wrndeoed wh
Scris de Corinne pe 08-08-2015 20:29

I always wrndeoed why instead of wasting R D money designing the new Stratoses, Supras, etc. they didn't just restart production where they left off, I know people who would pay money out the ass for a Supra with 000000 on the odometer. I guess legislation could have something to do with it, but I bet if they brought back the classics and sold them new they'd sell like crazy. I understand models have to evolve but most of these rehashed classics are timeless designs being ruined!!
Scris de fndeusb pe 14-01-2013 20:09

k9WOCm , [url=]textzaovtlgk[/url], [link=]uviaylkwubyo[/link],
Scris de ushfknlpoj pe 14-01-2013 14:11

WW2eNm wmiullqgyfzt
Scris de Egor pe 13-01-2013 14:27

Not convinced, sorry to say so. Many plopee like Castriota's designs, but to me, it always has too many superfluous shapes to it. Chris Bangle seems to have dubbed this surface entertainmaint . In this case, the design is very close to the original Stratos, but even here, I would prefer the old one. Maybe the sharpa0edges on the main surfaces are a bit to harsh for me. It is certainly not the edgy design as such. E.g., I really liked the Aston Martin Lagonda.After having done a lot of thinking, I believe that one problem I have (not only with Castriota, but also with numerous other recent designs)a0is the portion of concave surfaces. To me, this looks as if such car was somehow ill, like suffering from tuberculosis. Just not smooth enough for me, not liquid enough.There is one exception though. This is the Birdcage 75th, a Castriota-influenced design I like. I have however no idea how influential Castrio reallya0was on that design.It could also have to do with his US background. Theoretically, he would be a perfect mixture of Italian and US, for an international company like Saab. In practice, I believe, the American often prevails. E.g., the bonets on lots of his designs, including the Phoenix,a0have humps reminding of muscle car modifications that might have been neccessary in a past long gone (to accomodate the bigger double carburators), but now only look retro, and not at all Saabish).

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