Peugeot elibereaza leii in arena: 208 GTi & XY
Scris de Magos pe 12-09-2012
Mai e putin pana la Paris, atat de putin incat producatorii de automobile incep sa "scape" deliberat detalii cat mai picante despre noile modele ce vor fi expuse in fata a peste cateva mii de vizitatori si a altor milioane de fani din lumea toata, in spatele ecranelor. La fel s-a intamplat si in cadrul francezilor de la Peugeot, care au lansat zilele trecute detalii despre cele doua variatiuni pe baza micului 208 - GTi si Xy.
Noul GTi isi doreste sa dainuie numele si prestanta de hot-hatch, asa ca francezii l-au imbracat in haine noi, l-au indopat cu steroizi si se pregatesc sa il elibereze in ring, pe 27 Septembrie.
Avand acelasi motor de 1.6 Turbo ce poate fi regasit pe generatia anterioara Peugeot, noul GTi este propulsat de circa 197 CP, fata de 175 CP cat existau pe generatia veche si dezvolta un cuplu de 275Nm. Transmisia este manuala, in sase trepte, noul hot-hatch al leului francez atingand 0-100 km/h in circa 7 secunde. Francezii se lauda ca au schimbat suspensia, arcurile, barele antiruliu si au facut cinste micutului 208 GTi cu un set de jante pe 17" si anvelope pe 205/45. De alte date si mai tehnice inca nu dispunem, asa ca ne multumim pentru moment cu ce exista.
In ceea ce priveste design-ul masinii, micul 208 GTi nu iese prea mult in evidenta comparativ cu un simplu hatch in 3 usi, modificarile fiind mai degraba subtile decat evidente. La exterior, grila fata dispune de o finisare in stil fagure, ce ne duce cu gandul mai mult la pattern-ul setat de GTi-ul nemtesc, adica Volkswagen, capace de oglinzi retrovizoare cromate, faruri cu led si insertii ale logo-ului GTi. Interiorul este net superior modelului de nisa, dispunand de insertii cu tenta sport, scaune sport de piele, insa aceste mici caracteristici erau deja prezente pe vechiul 207 GTi.
Overall, modelul este reusit, aerul sportiv regasindu-se oricum in noul 208, GTi-ul il evidentiaza doar.
 In ceea ce il priveste pe XY, eh, aici vorbim despre alta treaba. Prestanta noului XY tine de eleganta, stil si personalitate. Nu se vrea sportiv veritabil, ci doar chic, anume gandit pentru sexul frumos din randul fanilor leului parizian.
Mai multe detalii, in doua saptamani! Stay tuned!
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11 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu
Best wishes on his j Scris de Rezthu pe 27-11-2015 13:37
Best wishes on his job seacrh. In addition to my daily blog project, I'll be sure to pass on the word that I'm looking out for them, especially being so far from home . After all, I am a highly-qualified expert at keeping tabs on other people's children! lol [url=]kwcwplfoutb[/url] [link=]kyvuztqkv[/link]
Thank you for the co Scris de Mirtha pe 26-11-2015 01:00
Thank you for the comment, it made my day. And YES it's them! I'm bicomeng a regular at Starbucks, and it's so fun to connect w/ the baristas as they're part of my project, for sure. As a school principal, I love helping parents and kids I guess even at the coffee shop! Am so glad I could give you reassurance things are great in OR. And I'll look for your kiddo at the drive-up window for my next latte! Bless you all.
I just read your blo Scris de Phatama pe 23-11-2015 20:10
I just read your blog and I am pretty sure you are wtinirg about my sons. My son Mack is Barista at Starbucks at Kaiser Station and Mitchell drives a black Chrysler 300 with Texas plates. They are living together in Salem attending college. You described their personalities perfectly the friendly and helpful barista and the wild yahoo (I am always telling him to drive more carefully). Thank you for being kind to them. It is hard for a mom to be so far from her children as they go out into the world. I know both would appreciate your kindness. And if for some reason it isn't them . Thank you for what you do and write about. [url=]pcuegdz[/url] [link=]phmlmsk[/link]
bonjourIl est vrai q Scris de Benu pe 23-11-2015 13:47
bonjourIl est vrai que l'ide9e du Blog est peut eatre une meilleure ide9e pour e9viter la perte de temps pour la socie9te9 cpenedant e0 l'heure actuelle, il n'y a aucun moyen de contacter l'e9quipe de GTI MAG Je suis un nouvel heureux possesseur d'une GOLF 2 GTI 25ansElle tourne comme une horloge cpenedant j'aimerais savoir si il existe des garages pour des ve9hicules de collection comme la mienne.J'aimerais savoir si les cylindres sont impeccables, si l'huile est parfaite En bref, qu'un garagiste me parle de ce bijou et lui refasse une jeunesse, du moins un contrf4le sous ma surveillance.J'habite ROUEN (76)Je remercie d'avance l'e9quipe de GTI-MAG en partenariat avec VW POWER pour la lecture de ce mail et de la re9ponse qu'ils me donnerontCordialementMarc FONTAINEPS: fervent lecteur de GTI MAG dans sa jeunesse (Nb060 )
Taking a closer look Scris de Burak pe 22-11-2015 06:25
Taking a closer look at the delatis (lack of twin tailpipes, the body colored mirror caps etc.) you're right - it's one of the regular 208s. Thanks for pointing that out.
wow we have an auto Scris de Jack pe 26-10-2015 23:14
wow we have an automotive exrpet here people...please tell us where the 208 GTi falls short...I'm assuming you work for PSA since your intimate and conclusive knowledge about the two cars is seemingly versed, I can only guess and say you are one of the testing engineers, since the 208 GTi is not out yet. [url=]uogdkznrpwu[/url] [link=]ddqdaztut[/link]
You can never please Scris de Alfredo pe 25-10-2015 11:29
You can never please anynoe Peugeot...especially sheeple, keep shining,some of us who know that the only constant is change will understand the meaning of introducing different cars with different characteristics...people are still crying over an almost 30 year old model, I'm 30 years old and I don't how people in their 40's (assuming this is the youngest generation of original 205 driver) could be so juvenile, anynoe around my age and younger should understand the benefits and constraints of technology as well...but I figure a massive amount of all these naysayers don't own a Peugeot never mind even owning a 205 GTi ...I will not conform.
you are probably lko Scris de Sonu pe 23-10-2015 21:35
you are probably lkoniog the successor of Peugeot 207 which for this moment we simply refer it as 208 although rumor has it that Peugeot will be giving names their new cars instead of refers it as [url=]vpftrkoqhvy[/url] [link=]tpzgxqau[/link]
Metal Shingles / Scris de Ismail pe 23-10-2015 13:55
Metal Shingles / i know this is not exactly on topic, but i have a blog using the bleinoggne platform as well and i'm having issues with my comments displaying. is there a setting i am forgetting? maybe you could help me out? thank you.
how to make money / Scris de Ronaldo pe 22-10-2015 11:54
how to make money / Between me and my husband we've owned more MP3 payrels over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I've settled down to one line of payrels. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
PUqhDQUz Scris de qugapxkww pe 24-10-2012 03:11
nB2cmK , [url=]nizgqhjjwnua[/url], [link=]mupptllkptdc[/link],
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