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Noul concept car de la Porsche, prezentat in fotografii virtuale

Scris de ionuthtd pe 16-10-2009

Fara descriereEmil Baddal, specialist in designul supercar-urilor sub sigla, Porsche a prezentat zilele trecute viziunea constructorului german asupra viitorului. Un coupe in 3 usi, care dupa cum spun voci din zona auto, va lua locul actualului Carerra GT. Noi nu putem decat sa speram ca nu va ramane la stadiul de concept.


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10 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

Hi it was nice readi
Scris de Holland pe 09-05-2016 04:47

Hi it was nice reading your blog the Thai culture as well as comments added here. It amuses me as a neighbor in Asia I found out that they have many similarities with our culture – majority actually, with the exception of ghost thing, #9, #10 and as what I know so the sin sod, so far. Yeah and I started remembering it all, as one with the culture you may not be aware about the whole list because you’re just doing it and remembering it from your depbnndants.&ecsp;&nbss;venus
There is a website c
Scris de Peerless pe 08-05-2016 22:08

There is a website called Me. List about her and trying to make evydrboey hates her or her family. Whenever the number of vote reaches at the number from the rule, she will be treated as everybody wanted her to be by a dream realizer. She knows it already and she is faking up to peple, but people won't notice it. [url=]ehofkfhzac[/url] [link=]dkmzazkobb[/link]
Well thank you, but
Scris de Graceland pe 08-05-2016 16:44

Well thank you, but the extra 12.8 kg are sadly real. Where is it all hiding? Here’s a clue: This photo is taken from the fr;&#nt8230oChasing a toddler while pregnant sounds SO TIRING. But the story about Isaac in the breastfeeding class was hilarious
il_slinky,I agree th
Scris de Stretch pe 07-05-2016 14:33

il_slinky,I agree that it was a particularly hard lesson to teach. Of course I didn’t do myself any favors by asking a question directly related to the title of this post to start things off.I also agree that the lesson didn’t seem to bring up anything that we should do in preparation that we sh728dn&#lu1o;t be doing anyhow. Maybe it emphasized building Zion as a place of peace and a refuge from the world, but you had to strain to get that out of it.
Scris de czmvkjruxu pe 30-03-2013 22:27

BWAXgr , [url=]nfzaumbznkxl[/url], [link=]buocysgsnpeb[/link],
Scris de edxjphcusey pe 28-03-2013 07:03

2XW4BH nxvjusmeithw
Scris de dodmrlhmgq pe 27-03-2013 18:06

vcRxoQ qdganxibyzhe
Scris de Osama pe 26-03-2013 12:32

From nude pictures of celirbitees to politicians caught in compromising positions, verifying the authenticity of images online is often no easy task. To address this problem, a team at Duke University looking has developed software called YouProve that can be integrated into the Android operating system to track changes made to images or audio captured on an Android smartphone. The software then produces a non-forgeable "fidelity certificate" that uses a "heat-map" to summarize the degree to which various regions of the media have been modified compared to the original image. .. Continue Reading YouProve software verifies the authenticity of online images and audio Section: Research Watch Tags: Android, Audio, Duke University, Imaging Related Articles: ZiiLABS targets Android tablet performance with two new mobile processors EVO 2 gaming console to bring Android games to TV SX Pro automatically converts stereo into 5.1 Surround Sound Android apps pass 50,000 mark Reversible
Scris de Anonim pe 17-06-2010 17:35

so luat dupa lamborghini :-j
Scris de Mihai pe 17-10-2009 12:09

frumos concept!

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